Spring into New Adventures 🌸

Programs for Schools & Families


“Foodie Fun” Spanish Camp ⛺️

Designed for PreK through 3rd Grade, this Spanish Adventures camp explores the world through food with taste tests and hands-on activities & crafts!

In-Person Classes Sign Ups 🗺

Join Ms. Lia & amigos for magical adventures, crazy crafts, secret missions, lovable puppets, silly stories, and original music!


Join Us At Our Next Community Event ⭐️

Experience Spanish through concerts, games, and more! Mark your calendars to ensure you don’t miss out on the fun!

Spanish Adventures Digital Lessons 💻

Semester(s) of ready-to-use digital curriculum for your school, center, or homeschool! No Spanish required!


Learn and Laugh on Youtube 🎥

Join Ms. Lia on Her Next Adventure


Stay Connected 🌏

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Receive A FREE “Family” Coloring Activity

See how LU teaches Spanish through fun activities, complete with coloring, music, and more!

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Ms. Lia & Her Mission ❤️


Our students learn from hands-on games 🎲, crafts 🖼, music 🎶, and dance 💃, as they develop their language skills and build self-confidence in an engaging and stress-free environment. No textbooks necessary!