I am a Pirate (Soy pirata) Spanish Song

I am a Pirate (Soy pirata) Spanish Song


This track is set to the tune of “Sailing, Sailing (over the Bounding Main)” and it is a fun way for children to play pirates while learning Spanish pirate vocabulary! Arrgh, that sounds fun!

Listen to this song on our YouTube channel!

Soy pirata,
¡vamos a navegar!
Salimos en busca del tesoro que les quiero dar.
Soy pirata,
¡vamos al barco ya!
Estamos en ruta para el horizonte y más allá.   (x2)

I am a pirate,
Let’s go sail!
We are in search of treasure that I want to give to you all.
I am a pirate.
Let’s go on the boat!
We are in route to the horizon and beyond.

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